What makes this video interesting to the audience !?
The beginning of the video makes us wonder what is occurring.
Also it is rather unusual to have a chase scene in a music video.
Does it suggest anything about the artist !?
The screaming fans suggest that they are popular.
There are a majority of girls there suggesting that their target audience is teenage girls.
There suits, haircuts etc suggest that they are fashionable.
The artists are shown to be running and laughing, this portrays them as fun.
Does it match the song !?
I believe that it does match the song, mainly because the lyrics match the song.
The editing is also fast pace, much like the song.
The artist's are running, this also adds to the speed of the song.
And also the song is saying a hard day's night, this is clearly meaning working for their product,
and then being chased and demanded by all these fans and they constantly work.