Thursday, 15 October 2009

our final idea;

Start of with flashes of someones feet walking down the street. In between theses flashes are images (short clips) of a boy sitting in his bedroom on his bed looking at his phone.

Camera high-angle shot looking down on him

Camera shot inside the wardrobe as if someone is watching. See boy throw the phone on the bed.

Next shot is focusing on the boy on the bed (with wardrobe in view slightly open). Boy stretches out and lays back on the bed with hands on head, stressed.
Camera follows the boy as he goes to get off the bed and a quick shot of him going to walk out the room (don't actually see him fully leave).

Straight cut to a close-up of the phone left lying on the bed, and a hand is seen picking up the phone on the bed (text message is shown on the screen still).

Flashes quickly back to the feet walking down the street. Then cuts to the boy singing the song underneath a tree (or down the same road).

Then cuts back to the boy, who is now sitting in his living room by the stairs looking upset/scared.
Low-angle shot looking up at the boy who is sitting on the sofa, but behind is someone sitting on the stairs above him slightly (face is not shown just yet to hold anticipation and suspence, plus low-angle is then seen to show the 'stalker' looking down on the boy).

Stalker is seen to be holding something in their hands, not yet clear.
Camera then moves onto the stairs from the position of the 'stalker' to look down on the boy.
Boy goes to turn his around as he is suspicious someone is watching. Camera view cuts to behind the boy (camera is not on the stairs anymore) as he turns around. Camera slowly moves up to the stairs above him to show that no one is sitting on the stairs.
Position of the camera then moves to on the stairs again looking down on the boy as he turns back around to face the front. Camera moves slowly away from the boy and reveals that the object the 'stalker' was seen to be holding had been left behind on the step - the phone from the bedroom.

Again the scene goes back to the singer/band while they lip-sync. Different shots to show different views of the setting where they are singing.

Scene then cuts to the feet walking down the street. Next shot shows it is the same boy walking down the road on his own, clearly here no one is behind him. Camera again focusing on his feet walking, but this time it is different. Another pair of feet are shown walking behind (same feet that were on the stairs). Cut to the full view of the boy walking again and 'stalker' is shown walking behind. Boy turns to look behind him but camera reveals no one is there again (like scene with the stairs).

Again, more lip-syncing.

Next scene - boy is back at home/a house looking in a mirror. Appears distressed/nervous/worried. Pulling at his hair, shaking?

More lip-syncing.

Back to the boy in front of the mirror. Still looking distressed. Different shots of him looking into the mirror. Then he forcibly shuts his eyes and the screen goes blank/black.

On the very last note - the boy is seen to open his eyes again on screen still looking in the mirror. But now the 'stalker' is standing behind him, in full view to boy as their reflections are both in the mirror. Shock on the boys face.
Then fades out.

Saturday, 3 October 2009


In filming people are often represented in different ways these can either be positive or negative, the representations are often followed by a stereotype.
Stereotypes are an interpreted conventional image, or a person who is regarded as embodying to a set image or type.
An example of a stereotype would be that 'woman cant drive'.
Many Hollywood films follow these stereotypes. In a majority of films woman are often represented as the less dominant characters and therefore have the 'at home role.' This is a typical stereotype as we are aware this is not always true in modern society.