camera work;
in our video we used a variety of shots, for example when filming in the park using a swing shot we zoomed in, we also zoomed out and also when filming the mobile phone. We used a close-up when filming Jessica's face, this showed her mental state and emotions.
for our video a majority of it was filmed outside, this meant the ways in which we use lighting is limited. Therefore we used naturalistic lighting. This allowed our video to also be more realistic and connect with the audience more as it looks less fictional and made up.
a majority of our filming was done in colour, to give a more realistic and truthfull approach however, when we was showing the audience the past we changed the colour in filming to black and white to show it was a memory and in the past.
we kept our mise -en - scene to a minimal in our video. We decided to place jessica in black clothing as this fitted with our theme of sadness and being dull, we contrasted this by placing her in a red coat. The red has many connotation, we used the connotations of romance, love and danger. The love and romance was because of the connection they had before, the danger was because her paranioa was sending her into a confused state of mind.
jump cuts;
a majority of our editing was done using straight cuts, however we did use some jump cuts, this was so that a video had variety. Using straight cuts throughout the whole video is likely to make the video boring and therefore the audience could lose interest, including variety keeps there attention and also makes the video more interesting.
we used fades and disolves in our music video so that we had variety in our music video. It was also an easy, neat way to change scene and the places in which we used fades or disolved fitted with the timing and speed of our music.
graphic matches;
a graphic match is where two images link due to similarities in appearance for example a white snooker ball, switching to a persons eye.
we did not use graphic matches in our music video, we found that with our storyline finding a graphic match would not fit with the speed of our music as the time it would take to focus in from one image then focus into another would need to be slower than the music as the audience's eyes would need to adjust before they can observe what the image is correctly.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Saturday, 13 March 2010
evaluation -question 4;
We used a variety of media technologies to plan different stages with regards to the overall video and the evaluation plans one example of media technologies would be networking, before we could even attain our song, emailing the original band, 'my future lies' was necessary. So emailing the band would be media technology with regards to aiding me in my evaluation stages, the screen shot of our email below would be placed under 'planning' on my evaluation stages. Here is a screen grab of the email;

Another example would be that we used different shots of our music video and compared them to actual professional music videos. This helped in my evaluations because i had a psychical comparison that could be made via the computers, this meant that it was easier and faster for me to explain and compare the two pictures, below are some shots showing this that i made in paint, i used the internet to find other pictures of people in bands or solo artists in their music videos. Due to the fact i used internet, and this is a media technology, this would come under 'research and planning' in my evaluation stages.

In our music video we used a variety of real media products to create our own.
Above is a comparison between our webcam shot and the shot Bon Jovi used in his music video 'its my life'.
In Bon Jovi's music video it shows the band playing with the girl in the tunnel through the webcam and the rest of the music video is the man throughout in action seeming to attempt to reach the tunnel and in the end arriving their.
Below is a comparison of our mental break down scene, and a scene in Green Day's 'wake me up when september ends'. In their video she is crying because the man who she is in love with has been sent off to war.

These are just minimal examples of how i used media technologies, overall it was very varied, photoshop was used, emailing was used, the use of digital cameras, the use of internet and many more.

Another example would be that we used different shots of our music video and compared them to actual professional music videos. This helped in my evaluations because i had a psychical comparison that could be made via the computers, this meant that it was easier and faster for me to explain and compare the two pictures, below are some shots showing this that i made in paint, i used the internet to find other pictures of people in bands or solo artists in their music videos. Due to the fact i used internet, and this is a media technology, this would come under 'research and planning' in my evaluation stages.

In our music video we used a variety of real media products to create our own.
Above is a comparison between our webcam shot and the shot Bon Jovi used in his music video 'its my life'.
In Bon Jovi's music video it shows the band playing with the girl in the tunnel through the webcam and the rest of the music video is the man throughout in action seeming to attempt to reach the tunnel and in the end arriving their.
Below is a comparison of our mental break down scene, and a scene in Green Day's 'wake me up when september ends'. In their video she is crying because the man who she is in love with has been sent off to war.

These are just minimal examples of how i used media technologies, overall it was very varied, photoshop was used, emailing was used, the use of digital cameras, the use of internet and many more.
Friday, 12 March 2010
evaluation -question 3;

4.this chart shows us how people rated our music video, there were 5 choices; very poor/hate it, could be better, average/amateur, good and love it. 40% of people loved it, 55% of people said it was good, and 5% said it was average/amateur.

5.these two screen grabs show the twe
nty responses of peoples favorite parts of the video. most popular answers were our webcam scene, and the parts of the mental breakdown.

6.this chart shows wether or not people would change parts of our video, 55% of people said no they would not.

7. this question asked
if people would continue to watch our video, should they see it on a music channel 95% of people said yes.

8. this question asked if they believed a story line helped make the music video more effective in connecting with the audience, 95% of people said yes.
this is a few screen grabs of the questions when we was making the survey;

From my audience feedback i learnt a lot, they told us that they believe we should have used less of ryan lip syncing as there was too much footage, they also told us that they wanted to see more emotion placed into our filming, as this would make the video more believable.
we obtained these results using
we advertised this survey using the social networking site facebook.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
evaluation -question 2;
Our main product consists of an upbeat song with meaningful lyrics. The song itself is fast pace and catchy, this therefore means that people could be likely to remember this. I know the song is catchy because the lyrics and tune do not differ too much throughout and i myself remembered the chorus at least after listening to the song twice. This combined with a fast pace video that has unusual elements and a good plot behind it, will create a good effect i believe. Combined with our DVD digipak and our magazine advert i believe if this were a real product it would be successful as we have made good use of marketing. Our advert features two very unusual style pictures and a variety of text, this makes it eye catching and therefore attractive to the public, if we gain their attention the fact that there is informative but not an overloaded amount of texts could mean they are likely to read on. In our digipak again we used a variety of unusual pictures this could again gain attention from the audience which is what would be our goal if we was actually aiming to sell our product.
here is a picture of our digi pak, showing the varied text and the unusual image is because people do not usually show images of swings.
here is a picture of our digi pak, showing the varied text and the unusual image is because people do not usually show images of swings.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010
evaluation -question 1;
These following traits are what are known as typical factors to a modern pop video;
- an emphasis on the recording, producing, and technological factors places over live acoustic performances.
- focus on the single song, or single as opposed to the albums or extended works.
- the aim is to appeal to a general audience, as opposed to a specific ideology.
Overall the main factor of music is the song, this is what the video is based around normally, the average length for the time period would be two and a half to three minutes long.
my music video is approximately 3 minutes and 30 seconds, which is just over the typical time given. My music video also focuses on the simple regularly used themes of music videos, relationships. Our song is about a broken relationship and the effects it has on people afterwards, the paranoia.We challenged these because we altered shots we used for our own them to make them individual in our own video. Such as the very first comparison shot, in the real music video, the computer was used to show a clip of people carrying out their own business, our music video challenged this by having a person actually directly talk to the person the other side of the camera. We made this video original with our own ideas that challenge normality of real music factors.
I believe that overall our combination of the main product and the ancillary texts are very effective.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
our digipak;
In our digipak we used two different location shots, so that the audience might recognise filming from the video and where the pictures where taken, we used the pictures of lead girl and lead boy once more, however this time it was on seperate parts of the digipak, we did this because the picture is original and this could also allow the audience to become familiar with those images, and therefore associate those photo's with the band as these pictures are also on the advert.
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Friday, 5 March 2010

For our advert we used a location shot as our background and we decided to use an image of our lead girl looking in a mirror with the lead boy looking back at her, then we reversed this on the picture underneath, we did this because we believe it created an eerie effect and we also like the originality of the pictures.
We also used different font types for a variety of reasons; for the title we used that font because we believe it linked with the songs speed.
When detailing the band name and quotes/website we used a different type of writing so that it is eye catching and appealing to the audience. The band name is in bold so that the audience can clearly see who they are.
The band name and the title of the song are also in larger size writing so it is more clear for the audience.
Monday, 1 March 2010
Classical Hollywood Narratives;
-Linear; one thing follows another, there are however some exceptions to this.
Pulp fiction for example is not in chronological order as it jumpos back and forward in time.
Few, if any subplots. Avatar has no subplots, it is straigh forward.
Tendency towards closure; it allows all the loose ends to be tied up.
Different theories of narrative;
Equilibrium; to begin with; everything is normal and ok then,
Disruption; creates enigma. Why, what, who? it creates drama.
Resolution; like closure, it solves all the enigmas.
it leads to a new equilibrium, what characters have learnt throughout.
- Propp
he analysed folk stories, and found there was 8 key characters;
1. Hero (protagonist) has agency
2. Villain (antagonist)
3. Donor (provider) - gives the hero something, a sword etc.
4. The helper (assistant or sidekick)
5. The father figure - gives advice or wisdom to hero.
6. The dispatcher (sends hero on mission)
7. The Princess (has no agency, powerless, female in the film)
8. False hero (appears to be good but it bad e.g in the godfather, it is the younger brother faudo)
Pulp fiction for example is not in chronological order as it jumpos back and forward in time.
Few, if any subplots. Avatar has no subplots, it is straigh forward.
Tendency towards closure; it allows all the loose ends to be tied up.
Different theories of narrative;
Equilibrium; to begin with; everything is normal and ok then,
Disruption; creates enigma. Why, what, who? it creates drama.
Resolution; like closure, it solves all the enigmas.
it leads to a new equilibrium, what characters have learnt throughout.
- Propp
he analysed folk stories, and found there was 8 key characters;
1. Hero (protagonist) has agency
2. Villain (antagonist)
3. Donor (provider) - gives the hero something, a sword etc.
4. The helper (assistant or sidekick)
5. The father figure - gives advice or wisdom to hero.
6. The dispatcher (sends hero on mission)
7. The Princess (has no agency, powerless, female in the film)
8. False hero (appears to be good but it bad e.g in the godfather, it is the younger brother faudo)
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Narrative theory;
Narrative is a story also known as a sequence of events, plot, or the way the story is organised.
Elements of the narrative
- time; how is it organised.
the earliest possible time etc.
real time: covers one hour etc '24', this period of time covers the film.
thrillers however will sometimes cover the past also 'flashbacks.'
- Closure; how you end it.
ties all the lose ends up , and everything gets resolved.
This satisfys the audience.
However sometimes a film will not have closure so that it can lead onto a sequel e.g. Harry Potter.
- Enigma; problem.
problems in a story cause to make interesting, and gives it drama as without the audience will find it boring.
Problems have to be solved to reach closure.
Elements of the narrative
- time; how is it organised.
the earliest possible time etc.
real time: covers one hour etc '24', this period of time covers the film.
thrillers however will sometimes cover the past also 'flashbacks.'
- Closure; how you end it.
ties all the lose ends up , and everything gets resolved.
This satisfys the audience.
However sometimes a film will not have closure so that it can lead onto a sequel e.g. Harry Potter.
- Enigma; problem.
problems in a story cause to make interesting, and gives it drama as without the audience will find it boring.
Problems have to be solved to reach closure.
Saturday, 20 February 2010
we have started to make our poster and picture for our digipaks, we came up with a variety of ideas, however we decided to use a photo of lead boy and girl with the boy looking in the mirror and seeing the girls reflection, then underneath the same photo but reversed.
Our backgroup is a location shot.
Our backgroup is a location shot.
Monday, 15 February 2010
research into digipaks;

here is a picture of a digipak and some details of digipaks;
A digipak is an original style of a compact disc or DVD wrapping with reference to its trademark holder.
Its used to describe a CD case that consiosts of a plastic tray for discs with a folding case made of cardboard. The give the feeling of a higer quality and they are often used in conjuction with text, images and colours to give a proffessional appearance. They can also be used for DVD cases and not just CDs.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
magazine adverts
here are a few magazine adverts i have uploaded and analysed.

this magazine advert is good because it shows three contrasting adverts that will attract different audience, this is affective because the three different audiences for the different bands will be attracted to their band, and then see the other band adverts and could be attracted to them also, therefore creating a larger combined audience. The 'massive attack' poster is also effective because the picture is actually of a person who appears to have been attacked.

This magazine advert is again similar to the one above, different adverts attracting different audiences, will bring the different audiences into one larger audience, benefiting all the groups advertised.

This advert yet again shows multiple artists and their adverts, it shows one larger group that would attract a large amount of attention due to the fact they are popular mainstream artists, then also shows other groups that are not as possibly not as heard of, this could attract the audience to them, they could be of similar sound and therefore share the same audience as Coldplay and Snow Patrol are of similar sounds.

- this magazine advert is good because it shows all details that a fan would find necessary, for example it shows the
- - band name
- - the album name
- - the date it is release
- - an award that the album won
- - what critics have said about the album
- - the other forms it is avaliable in
- - and gig dates & locations.
- - and it also shows a picture that represents something for the fans/group.

this magazine advert is good because it shows three contrasting adverts that will attract different audience, this is affective because the three different audiences for the different bands will be attracted to their band, and then see the other band adverts and could be attracted to them also, therefore creating a larger combined audience. The 'massive attack' poster is also effective because the picture is actually of a person who appears to have been attacked.

This magazine advert is again similar to the one above, different adverts attracting different audiences, will bring the different audiences into one larger audience, benefiting all the groups advertised.

This advert yet again shows multiple artists and their adverts, it shows one larger group that would attract a large amount of attention due to the fact they are popular mainstream artists, then also shows other groups that are not as possibly not as heard of, this could attract the audience to them, they could be of similar sound and therefore share the same audience as Coldplay and Snow Patrol are of similar sounds.
- the artists name
- the release date for the artist
- the album title
- and quotes about the album.
It also shows a picture of the artist that could be representational to the fans or from the artist herself.
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
my contribution;
In our music video i believe our whole group contributed equally,
however Jess and Nichola did more editing than myself slightly as i was at work a majority of the time. Regardless of this we always discussed as a whole group what we would be doing to the video and what effects we would have on the video.
We also chose what we would film as a group.
I personally contributed a variety of ideas such as the shots and transitions when editing, and shots we could film, for example my favorite scene in the video is when Jess is in the park on the swing, on of the suggestions i made is that i suggested and we agreed to make a shot of the whole park, and also to film the empty swing set.
Monday, 8 February 2010
our video is actually finally finished.
we edited and edited and edited.
and re-filmed.
then edited then re-filmed.
but our video is finally complete, and all that work was actually worth it.
i am really proud of our final piece of work, and believe that to some extent it looks rather professional, we worked really hard with all our individual input to the video, in the form of ideas, filming and editing.
all we have left to do is complete our blogs and then this project is complete entirely!
Monday, 1 February 2010
more editing & filming!
What was filmed yesterday in romford was edited today.
We placed it into the video where we though it fitted and did what our desired affect was.
Our added lip syncing looks hugely better than it did before when we started with our first video. We believed that, due to what sir advised us on, that starting from the beginning again and come up with new ideas. We did do this, however we decided to also use scenes from our previous video. We did a lot of editing today in lesson, then Nichola and Jess had a free lesson so again continued to edit. We decoded that we want to spend as much time as possible editing our video so we can get it to the best we can, tomorrow if the weather allows us to we want to film the roundabout scene in valence park, then after school the girls are going to continue to edit whilst i go to work :(
the video is actually looking really good now!!! :)
Sunday, 31 January 2010
more filming
Jess and Nichola travelled down Romford so that further filming could be continued, and filmed the lead boy, ryan, lip syncing and playing guitar in a subway.
We decided as a group on using different locations such as the subway, town hall, benches, subway etc.
They began with filming ryan on the bench lip syncing and playing his guitar, to offer more variety we decided to film from different positions to make the video more interesting.
They began with filming ryan on the bench lip syncing and playing his guitar, to offer more variety we decided to film from different positions to make the video more interesting.
Then ryan was filmed walking down the subway, as he comes towards the camera we noticed that we couldn't see him lip sync as there was limited light. This led us to decide to film still in the subway, however we adapted and used the stairs that lead into the subway instead, this worked very well as ryan was comfortable lip syncing walking down the stairs and there was enough light to film. Once this was filmed we returned back to filming outside the town hall where Ryan appears to be most relaxed when lip syncing.
This is finally where our 'missing poster' is show, we placed it on the wall of the subway that Ryan is shown walking down, we show Jess and Ryan walk past each other going into the subway, however when Ryan tuns back to check it was Jess we show our poster.
Now we have this footage we are that much closer to finishing our video :)
Now we have this footage we are that much closer to finishing our video :)
Friday, 29 January 2010
filming at central park - 29th january
On this date we filmed our swinging scene where the main girl looks depressed and thoughtful.
We used different types of shots to fit with the song and the speed of editing, we filmed from the front, the back, the side andpoint of view on the swing itself, we then filmed and establishing shot zooming into the girl, once we filmed this and was happy with the results we placed it where we thought appropriate in our music video.
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
new props & plans;
Since we are having to film extra scenes and have changed part of the story line, we needed to include more props to help the audience to become aware of what is happening, and to get a better understanding of the music video.
We knew that the video would involve a missing girl; so to make this more obvious we needed to create a missing poster, that way we allow the audience to see, and also raise our prop numbers.
We used Microsoft Publisher to create our own missing poster, we included pictures and information it may need, to gain the knowledge of what a basic poster would look like we researched via the internet. The time of the last sighting of the girl corresponds roughly near the time seen on the church clock, we are hoping members of the viewing audience will realise this is our poster;

We knew that the video would involve a missing girl; so to make this more obvious we needed to create a missing poster, that way we allow the audience to see, and also raise our prop numbers.
We used Microsoft Publisher to create our own missing poster, we included pictures and information it may need, to gain the knowledge of what a basic poster would look like we researched via the internet.
The time of the last sighting of the girl corresponds roughly near the time seen on the church clock, we are hoping members of the viewing audience will realise this also.
here is our poster;

Tuesday, 26 January 2010
editing -set backs
We have reached a major setback in the editing process of creating our music video.
Due to necessary feedback on our coursework; there are a variety of issues that we need to deal with:
- We need more lip syncing scenes, this time with a musical instrument (bass, guitar),
- Extra scenes developing the story of the song;
- Re-filming previous lip syncing scenes and story scenes due to the frame/setting either being too dark or exceedingly unclear;
- We also need to re-edit the scenes we do have, so the music video has an increased pace to parallel the song;
- Include a wider variety of set locations and;
- Include a wider variety of camera shots/angles.
if this is managed well and to a decent standard then we hope our music video will be more of a success, and also more understandable from the audiences perspective.
- We need more lip syncing scenes, this time with a musical instrument (bass, guitar),
- Extra scenes developing the story of the song;
- Re-filming previous lip syncing scenes and story scenes due to the frame/setting either being too dark or exceedingly unclear;
- We also need to re-edit the scenes we do have, so the music video has an increased pace to parallel the song;
- Include a wider variety of set locations and;
- Include a wider variety of camera shots/angles.
if this is managed well and to a decent standard then we hope our music video will be more of a success, and also more understandable from the audiences perspective.
Saturday, 23 January 2010
changes to our music video;
We have now done yet more editing, and while doing this we have realised that we need to fill up the one minute gap we still have with more footage.
To do so, we have decided to film the boy and girl meeting eachother in the middle of the street.
To do so, we have decided to film the boy and girl meeting eachother in the middle of the street.
The boy and girl gaze at eachother, and then the girl turns and begins to walk away.
The boy is seen looking at his phone, at a text which says it is over.
Sad and Depressed, the boy turns around to look at the girl and finds that no one is there and he is actually on his own.
Just before the end scenes where the girl walks into the road, we will include scenes where the girl is breaking down into tears, showing she is also just as depressed etc.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
editing once more
now that our media exam is complete we can focus fully on our media coursework once more.
Today we resumed editing the video but we still have more scenes to complete.
We also had to make sure the opening scene was parrallel to the tempo and beat of the m,usic so its all in time.
Today we resumed editing the video but we still have more scenes to complete.
We also had to make sure the opening scene was parrallel to the tempo and beat of the m,usic so its all in time.
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
more editing;
we continued to edit for our video however some problems did occur. Once all the clips where uploaded and we estimated our rough timeline we realised all our clips did not amount to a time long enough to complete our music video.
this meant that after lesson we went out again to do more filming of Ryan lip syncing because we felt more was needed. Once this is edited our video is complete!
this meant that after lesson we went out again to do more filming of Ryan lip syncing because we felt more was needed. Once this is edited our video is complete!
Monday, 18 January 2010
first editing;
we began editing using iMovie HD on the iMac computers. Once we uploaded all the scenes from the HD camcorder, we began cutting clips into smaller easier to handle lengths and began placing them in the order/sequence we chose for our video.
the first verse and the chorus have been completed in their first draft and so far the lip syncing is all in time also.
all that we need to do now is make sure we spend as much free time as possible in the iMac room to complete our video.
the first verse and the chorus have been completed in their first draft and so far the lip syncing is all in time also.
all that we need to do now is make sure we spend as much free time as possible in the iMac room to complete our video.
Sunday, 17 January 2010
filming outside; locations
29th november - this weekend we got together again to film outside. However we have the unpredictable British weather to thank for our lack of outside filming. Cleverly resourced though we continued filming with an umbrella to protect the camera from the rain.
Despite these obstacles we where able to continue filming and i believe we done quiet well with the filming outcome.
we have also finally done our filming !!!!!!
however if when editing we believe more work needs to be done we shall have to re-film.
Despite these obstacles we where able to continue filming and i believe we done quiet well with the filming outcome.
we have also finally done our filming !!!!!!
however if when editing we believe more work needs to be done we shall have to re-film.
Saturday, 16 January 2010
changes to the story;
after watching clips throughout the filming on the iMacs we suddenly realised our storyline may not be percieved in the way we intended it to be as the relationship between the two characters may not be as clear as we thought. We did however want to keep the audience in suspense so as to watch the whole video, we believed this would be very effective to make the audience uncertain as opposed to a large conclusion that could be very confusing.
Therefore we made changes, to make our story clearer we have decided to show more past tense clips of the couple together.
Due to the fact we already had some scenes filmed outside in the park we decided to continue with this.
The couple is holding hand etc, but then the camera turns round a tree to show you the couple but the boy is alone. We will then show flashbacks of a text saying 'im sorry its over'. This then flows for the later scenes where the boy is seen asa 'stalker' over his ex, and the girl seems to be going insane.
Therefore we made changes, to make our story clearer we have decided to show more past tense clips of the couple together.
Due to the fact we already had some scenes filmed outside in the park we decided to continue with this.
The couple is holding hand etc, but then the camera turns round a tree to show you the couple but the boy is alone. We will then show flashbacks of a text saying 'im sorry its over'. This then flows for the later scenes where the boy is seen asa 'stalker' over his ex, and the girl seems to be going insane.
Friday, 15 January 2010
our school has been shut due to 'adverse weather conditions' therefore this prevented us from editing much of our music video using the school iMac computers. Nichola, Jess and myself also have to re-sit/take a few exams shortly and therefore will be revising for these exams in many of our media lessons.
There are also our other scenes we need to film but we are waiting on the weather to become suitable to film in as the conditions outside are icy and our scenes are outside.
There are also our other scenes we need to film but we are waiting on the weather to become suitable to film in as the conditions outside are icy and our scenes are outside.
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
christmas holidays;
we have at present broken up for the christmas holidays, we did notice however more filming is required so hopefully upon return or even during we can film some more story line.
I was unable to blog as until recent, due to dumb weather conditions my internet was down, however now my internet has returned i can resume blogging.
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