Monday, 1 March 2010

Classical Hollywood Narratives;

-Linear; one thing follows another, there are however some exceptions to this.
Pulp fiction for example is not in chronological order as it jumpos back and forward in time.
Few, if any subplots. Avatar has no subplots, it is straigh forward.
Tendency towards closure; it allows all the loose ends to be tied up.
Different theories of narrative;
Equilibrium; to begin with; everything is normal and ok then,
Disruption; creates enigma. Why, what, who? it creates drama.
Resolution; like closure, it solves all the enigmas.
it leads to a new equilibrium, what characters have learnt throughout.
- Propp
he analysed folk stories, and found there was 8 key characters;
1. Hero (protagonist) has agency
2. Villain (antagonist)
3. Donor (provider) - gives the hero something, a sword etc.
4. The helper (assistant or sidekick)
5. The father figure - gives advice or wisdom to hero.
6. The dispatcher (sends hero on mission)
7. The Princess (has no agency, powerless, female in the film)
8. False hero (appears to be good but it bad e.g in the godfather, it is the younger brother faudo)

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