Another example would be that we used different shots of our music video and compared them to actual professional music videos. This helped in my evaluations because i had a psychical comparison that could be made via the computers, this meant that it was easier and faster for me to explain and compare the two pictures, below are some shots showing this that i made in paint, i used the internet to find other pictures of people in bands or solo artists in their music videos. Due to the fact i used internet, and this is a media technology, this would come under 'research and planning' in my evaluation stages.

In our music video we used a variety of real media products to create our own.
Above is a comparison between our webcam shot and the shot Bon Jovi used in his music video 'its my life'.
In Bon Jovi's music video it shows the band playing with the girl in the tunnel through the webcam and the rest of the music video is the man throughout in action seeming to attempt to reach the tunnel and in the end arriving their.
Below is a comparison of our mental break down scene, and a scene in Green Day's 'wake me up when september ends'. In their video she is crying because the man who she is in love with has been sent off to war.

These are just minimal examples of how i used media technologies, overall it was very varied, photoshop was used, emailing was used, the use of digital cameras, the use of internet and many more.
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