Thursday, 11 March 2010

evaluation -question 2;

Our main product consists of an upbeat song with meaningful lyrics. The song itself is fast pace and catchy, this therefore means that people could be likely to remember this. I know the song is catchy because the lyrics and tune do not differ too much throughout and i myself remembered the chorus at least after listening to the song twice. This combined with a fast pace video that has unusual elements and a good plot behind it, will create a good effect i believe. Combined with our DVD digipak and our magazine advert i believe if this were a real product it would be successful as we have made good use of marketing. Our advert features two very unusual style pictures and a variety of text, this makes it eye catching and therefore attractive to the public, if we gain their attention the fact that there is informative but not an overloaded amount of texts could mean they are likely to read on. In our digipak again we used a variety of unusual pictures this could again gain attention from the audience which is what would be our goal if we was actually aiming to sell our product.

here is a picture of our digi pak, showing the varied text and the unusual image is because people do not usually show images of swings.

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